Fundamentals of Botanical Art
…at the Italianate Glasshouse
On the 20th October I had a wonderful day leading a workshop at the beautiful Italianate Glasshouse in Ramsgate, Kent. Our workshop was titled ‘Fundamentals of Botanical Art’ and students were taken through all the steps required to create a botanical painting - a pansy was our subject of choice!
We were treated to an absolutely beautiful day; the sun was streaming through the scalloped panes of the glasshouse, and although it was a chilly October morning (4 degrees when I left home in my car!) by lunch time we were all toasty warm - almost too warm!
Some of our lovely students were local (one from just across the road!) and others from further afield - London, and even Singapore! It was an opportunity to meet new friends and share in an experience of learning new techniques in watercolour painting.
We had delicious food provided by Janice, the owner of the Glasshouse - we were greeted with tea, freshly brewed coffee and a selection of pastries. Lunch was delicious sandwiches, crips, quiches and fresh fruit, and we even squeezed in afternoon tea and cake!
We had a squirrel pop into the Glasshouse to say hello, and a few birds flitted in and out, which all added to the serene environment were were immersed in.

The photographs were taken by the fantastically talented Wei-Lyn, you can see more of her photographs at @thecuriouspainter on Instagram.
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Perhaps I shall see you at a future workshop. That’d be lovely.